Thursday, February 28, 2008

Salvia herb or flower

Salvia is recommended for some infecctions of the mouth, cronic bronquitis, also is good for nerves function, great anti viral and can help also in some cases of asthma. Stimulates the nervous system. You can also use it as a digestive cleanser. Drink it as tea or as tincture.


Finally I have some time to write in my blog, my kids have been sick with what seems to be rotavirus and I most have get it too, Rotavirus starts sometimes with a simple but serious cold or flu then becames viral enteritis, from the uper respiratory track goes down to gastric and intestine area causing diarreah, vomit, and cramps, there is not medicine for a virus that is really effective, and can last from seven to twelve days, I hope it last us less, we feel terrible but the acute phase is now slowing down there is nothing to do but keep drinking lots of liquids specialy for the kids pedialyte, I have been drinking tes and giving it to my kids to salvia boldo and romero and also chamomile and gordolobo with seems to be helping a lot too, it is hard because all winter we stay indoors in the house and the moment you get out to a store or mall you get all kind of germs, viruses, bacterias and more... at the same time you don't want to go crazy in your house, I guess is better go crazy but healty. I am looking forward to spring so bad!
My Mom is coming to visit and my grandma too my kids are so exited and so I am.
I had another dream the other day that came true during the day, my husband just said that I was a freak (in a good way) but he already knew that haha and my Mom said that is because I am to stressed out and eat big meals in the nigth wich is very bad for digestion and bad dreams, that is true, my friend told me that I must follow my first instinct, wich I belive is true that is the way to be, so I think they are all right.
I think that we have to be analitic of the things that happen around us and know that nothing happens as a isolated fact, and we know when things feel right or wrong.
well, wish me luck getting ride of this negative element in our bodies and pray for all the people that is sick in this world. :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

We are One.

Thinking about the begining of life, just as a fetus start growing in a mother's womb, think how it works... 1 cell then 2, then 4, then 6, and keeps adding more,... count and realize that 1 alone could be nothing and it is all, when all those 1 became 1 Big 1 .
We are first spiritual creatures, we all belong to the One Eternal Father, and in the earth we pretend sometimes live our lives as individual beeings separated from the rest, that is why envy, hate and other negative feelings are so harmfull for ourselfs, there is nothing worst poisoning for your body, than the words coming out of your mouth, and the eating human meat when we talk about others bad things or have negative toughts about them........because we are doing it to Ourselfs!
There is not mistery to what Jesus and God laws have teach us, Love yourself and love your neighboor and your enemy, all the people around us, are living example of what we are too, and sometimes God needs to put a lot of people in diferent situations sometimes situations that we need to get over it, or we need to learn to tolerate, there is not mistery, is Divine Science.
Beeing a good samaritan, doesn't mean that you have to let people hurt you, means that you must learn from everyone, and every situation, because ther is a Reason Always, of why is happening to you this, we are the only one responsible for what hapens in our lives, taking the responsability of this is the best start, the rest God will provide, Just know how to ask, and to know how to ask, First you need to know What do you really really want...
Then ask, and God will give it you, maybe before you end up asking your request...
Feith does moves mountains, and it is True.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Nose Bleedings

Hi there :), today I am writing about this comun problem when nose bleeds because of high outdoor temperature, or because you got an injure sometime in the past and then your nose keep bleeding once in a while, my Dad used to play baseball and got hit with a baseball ball more than one time, so his nose will bleed once in a while specially if we go to the beach because of the high temperatures his vasels where not enough strong to retain the blood flood, he will put a piece of paper underneath his upper lip against the high part of the internal lip, and it help him at the moment you know those family tricks, but then my Mom that was always into Natural Medicine give him Vitamin K and that really stop his bleedings for good.

The area of the central face is an area with abundant blood vasels and is when it bleeds it gets ugly, so some of the cures for this is, number one take Vitamin K (is not vitamin C but vitamin C is good for this too and Calcium make sure you take a vitamin complex with all the vitamins included once a week to make sure you are not laking of other nutrients).
Vitamin K is specially to help the production of trombocites cells that help blood have the right balance of clothing so we don't bleed to death with all injuries, Vitamin K makes will help you with your nose bleeding in most of cases.

In book Back to Eden, author Jethro Kloss mention some herbs to correct this disfunction:
natural herbs that can help with this condition applying directy into the nosetrils snuff a little bit half of teaspoon with golden seal tea.
Other te's that can be use is wild alum root and white oak.
Check with your doctor when the bleeding continues in several ocacions or if is from a mayor injury, some bleedings can be signs of other mayor sickness as Purpura and Anemia, but if is not to often and you have tried everything and nothing works try taking Vitamin K and you will feel the diference.
Hope you have a great day!
New Chapter Organics:  Whole-Food, Cultured Vitamins, Supplements & Herbs

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Flaxseed, constipation good bye!

Flaxseed has many benefits, not just for constipation. Basic element if you want to have good health condition. Is a little gift from nature contains:
Omega0-3 fats called good cholesterol.
Omega 9
Omega 6
Flax Proteins
anti-hormonal cancer type.
Phytochemicals as Lignanos that have antioxidants effects wich help fight the negative effects of the free radicals.
Help you have a good digestion, lower risk of heart disease, lower colesterol levels, may protect from cancer, improve immune function.

There is a variety of products that contain flaxseed or flaxeed oil, I recommend the natural flaxseed, before going to bed add 3 to 4 spoons of flaxseed in a glass of water and leave it during the night covered. Drink in the morning before breakfast. Is tasteless and will be a blessing for you body.
Remember that digestion and nervous system problems are conected, we need to cleanse our digestive tract so everything can be back to normal and our body will be able heal itself.
Bad digestion and constipation leads to a multiple cronic conditions, from stress, to pains and cancer. We need to make sure that our intestines are moving, working, cleaning and doing its work, doesn't matter what you do, this is one of the most important tips to be healthy.
May God heal you as you read this. Love yourself, heal yourself and others. :)

Cure yourself with your own medicine

This is going to sound as weird as can be, and crazy because this is how it sound to me the first time I heard about this therapy, this therapy has been used by ancient cultures like people in India, Aztecs, in the Tibet, and others, ... is called Shivambu kalpa, the ancient healing way, and this is the use of the human urin Your Own, in an specific way to heal certains sickness, before you stop reading this because it may have sound just to gross or disgusting, let me tell you a story, when I was 10 years old my Mom took me to the Alergologist because my alergies was so bad I could not breath and everything was giving me this itches, short of breath and more... so my Mom took me with this great alergologist she heard from somebody and the first thing he ask for before I went in the Dr's office was a huge jar of urine, I don't know exactly how, but then after they test on me all the vaccines in the search of all the alergens that my body reacts more, he give me this drops... that I swear I told my Mom, Mommy I think he is just giving me back my jar in drops!, so I took my treatment and everything went well, my alergic reacctions acctually stop after that to several multiple foods and external agents... I did not think about that again untill reading alternative medicine therapies I found this Shivambu Kalpa wich is been used by so many cultures in the ancient world specially and some still do, as chamanes, in the tibet and specially people that wants to heal and clean their bodies to the point of leting all that pollution so you can focus on the spiritual world. This is one of the multiple medicines that our Creator has giving us, and you may like it or not, It is true, ... But just in case you want to try it and get the benefits the key to this therapy is to take Just the
From the first urine in the morning

Wash the genital area before going...

Then colect in a glass or jar the urine just the one coming after you count to 5 seconds and 5 seconds before it ends, so what we want to do with this is take the one in the middle.
Because the first one because is so close to the urine meatus could have a little bacteria,...

So once that you get in your jar or glass about 5 onces at least drink it fast without thinking to much and thanking the Creator for giving you the medicine to heal your own body.

Important: People who has urine infecctions or is under medication, or pregnant, are not candidates for this therapy, untill this conditions are corrected with your family Doctor.

I have add a list of books in the blog and there is a few about this therapy if you are intrested in to learn more about this therapy.

The therapy is based generally in the idea that owr bodies waste to much of our inmunne cells and minerals that owr body needs but when sick doesn't retain this electrolites and cells, specially for the immune system affections this works great.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Today I got up with a bad sore troath I have been drinking gordolobo

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Hello, I cannot say that this Valentines Day was awesome, cool, romantic or even nice, since I got up I had this weird feeling and also I had a weird dream about me going to a school with dorms, I was talking with this people young pals room mates then we went to this big room to take a class and get some papers to study then I heard an explosion and I saw a man then a girl tells me, I don't know why he is that way if he actually graduate and is a profesional... then the dream end...
I had this bad feeling all day, then later in the night I listen to the news on tv show the terrible news about the shooting at NIU... I was surprised and the memories from the dream came to me even clearer while watching the news...
I wish I could have dreams more clearly specific, or not at all.
Outside of the dreams, in the more touchable reality, I think the disolution of families and the lack of ethics, of moral and love, the abundance of hate and lack of atention to the childs, the material world the love for the money, the excesive need of superficial stuff has brought us to a wirpool of despair, loneliness, we feel so sad and alone specially in those days when the rest of the people seems to be having a good time, the ones we think that have a perfect life, the perfect family, the perfect girlfriend, I know those lonely hearts, they suffer so much they cannot help it one day, they think the world has turn the back on them and then they explode, and hurt inocent people, Is so sad, I just want this day to end. I just want the pain of those families that lost their kids to go away. We need to pray more to God and do more to change this world in the right direction, we have kids that will have kids and we need to give them a better world not this mess.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Renew that energy...

Yes, sometimes we get exausted doing so much exercise or so much work, but we are still stressed up, there is some helpfull tecniques to release this energy and is different for everyone, you must find your own way to renew that energy by letting the old energy flow, one way I do release my energy is by drawing, coloring, singing, doing something creative that you enjoy, helping others is a great way to renew your energy and you get just positive energy back anything that can help you feel that you are serving others, or serving the nature, or serving your God, always if is something that you enjoy doing, we all came with Divine Gifts and our job is to find them, use them, make of them your hobby, your job, that is the material works that God put in you to develop, to work on it... that is way in a mundane world it is hard to find our what you really are, because in a material world you grew up thinking that the most important thing in life is money, economics, and it is important, But first is finding the right career for you, if you do what you like you will find rewards from heaven and earth togheter.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Insomnia fighters.

Seven Blossoms Tea (Siete Azares)
Insomnia Treatment

This tea can be used in infusion at bedtime for a good night sleep.
For nerve problems and anxiety, insomnia...
This gifts from nature will make you sleep and relax.
You can mix these herbs all in a container before you make the tea.
Once that you have distributed well, you take a pinch what you can take with tree fingers and boil it in 5 cups of water. Add honey if you like. Drink it right before you go to bed. Don't take more than two cups at night time, one should be enough. Usually after tree days of taking this tea you will notice an improvement in your sleep, usually your body will fix itself with the right help, and it doesn't need to be forever.

Tila or Flor de tilo (red linden flowers)
Pasion flower
Orange Blossom
White Zapote or
or lemon balm

Remember to take Vitamin 6, Vitamin 12 especially for affections of the nervs, at least once a week, almost everybody needs it, just because we are all exposse to so much stress situations in our lives, and when our body is not working properly.

When you go to bed, stop thinking about everything, leave your mind in blank it is hard at the begining but you can do it.
Before you sleep, once you are resting in your bed relax your muscles, muscles from your face, harms, shoulders, legs, abdomen, neck, let go that tension.
Do not got to sleep with tense muscles because that is the reason why sometimes we wake up in so much pain in the morning.
Relax, pray, be thankfull for something, recall positive memories, and then close your eyes.
Insomnia Treatment

Hope this tips can help you to have a wonderful night and...

Have a wonderfull Day.

Friday, February 8, 2008

"Good bye pounds soup"

Hello, this is a fast easy and efective recipe to lose weight, I am doing this diet myself because I have tried in the past and it work great.
This soup, the more you eat the more you lose, but this is the only thing you can eat, for a few days, so write down this easy ingredients and less start dieting by eating all day... :)


7 Onions choped optional: Soy Sauce and lime juice.
7 Tomatos choped
7 cups of celery
1 Big size cabage sliced and choped

Put on a pan and cover with water then boil untill cooked for about 15 to 20 boiling, do not add salt, You can make it very tasty adding Soy Sauce, and lime juice as you like.

Remember the more you eat, the more you lose, you can snack a few nuts, and have a small glass of milk, just so your body doesn't miss protein and olis to much, but just a few!
I am going to try to do it for at least a week, lets see how it goes! haha

Taste good so don't worry specially if you are a veggie lover, you are going to like it.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Reading some information on a intresting blog from compasionate council I agree when this autor mentioned how is so difficult to find the right cure for a very sick society.
Specially because the ones "suposed to be in charge of the good beeing and healt care and farmaceutical companies" the less that they care is about HEALING ANYBODY,
They want us sick! so the bussines continues. No sick People, No Bussines!, Back in my Natural Medicine School, they teach us a therapy called Microdosis,
the book is called "Medicina para un Nuevo Milenio",
Autor Eugenio Martinez Bravo probably there is a way to find it in english, but more likely Not, because it is not very convinient for some eyes.
This therapy is based in the idea and science because is true, that small microscopical, minimun amounts of the same medicine, herbs, even organs, can be use with the same potencial effects in the organism, Minimum Dosis that is why is called Microdosis.
My favorite is microdosis with herbs, instead a cup of te you take a few drops of a preparation with microdosis will give even better results. Our bodies react better to minimal amount of sustances because our body can recognice and get the benefit with out the intoxication with big amount of the medicine, with out the secondary effects because the amount is so small that cannot hurt a mouse. But why they want to add more quantities to the medication sold?, because that will make us more sick, get the addiction and make us come back for more, also because a lot of people, scientist, doesn't even know about this Microdosis therapy. And some try to keep it in the darkness so is not known...
Right now I will just put in your hands the name of the book and the Micro Information about this underfull good news for all the people that suffer because of the secondary effects of their medicine or the ones that don't even find a cure.
The preparation specially for herbs, for example, knowing what herb or plant propeties have, you choose the right for you, (wich you can find in the internet writing in the search, propeties for curative, or healing herbs),
I will make sure in the next post I will bring more info about this treatment.
First I want to assure you this works, Second I want to share the story of the autor, this good man, work for Bayer company back in a southamerican country, he was a Doctor and a Chemical Engineer, he notice that when the labs made experiments they were overdosing, the medicine that they sell to people, he made experiments, for years and want to try show it to the rest of the world, they got very mad at him and fire him, shut him up, but they could not avoid his book survive, and they could not avoid that the word spread because the truth always will come up to the light, over the shadows of the ones want us silent.
The truth will make us free! as soon as we like... :)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Body Temperature.

Body Temperature

One of the important aspects of the Natural Medicine is based on getting rid and prevent toxins get in to your body, but when already happen this toxins building up in our system get trap in our lynphatic system, (specially) with no where to drain. All this toxines create internal fever wich no termometer can find because is located right in our internal organs, specially intestins and organs sorrounding this area. Letting the extremities of our body as legs, arms and head cold and some times in so much pain.
My Mom use to get dark mud from a naturopatic medicine store, wich is also the black stiky mud that you have outside your house, strained and cleaner.
This mud or soil mixed with fresh watter creates a dough and has the benefit of keeping the cool and freshness for long hours untill its dry, and absorbing the heat of the body, making the body try to create heat to compense the loose of heat at the same time makes the temperature of the body even all over, so many times we get sick just for changes on the weather temperature, a sick body tries to create heat to distroy all the toxines beeing bacterial, viral or external sustances that the body needs and is trying to get ride off. And also needs to find the way out of this heat and make the weather temperature even.
Our bodies are prepared to deal with any kind of strange non positive thing in our system, it defends it self, we need to give the right push towards healing by knowing how it works and work with our body as a team. The fever has to go out, because when this one is realeased, the body can keep fighting the strange bodies.
But how to use this mud, this is one of the ways to get ride of internal fevers
Get about half or a cup of mud, put about five table sp of watter and add more untill the mud gets like dough for pizza, then place it as a pizza in a few about 7 pages of newspapper cutted in rectangle, then get a towel or a long piece of fabric.
Once you get everything ready, The pizza mud, is going to be placed exactly bettween the ribs and the pelvic bones, just in the area where there is not bone, just in the area surrounded the belly bottom but covering all that area with out touching bone.
You have to do this, laying down in your bed, put the towel or piece of fabric this most be long enough to wrap your whole weist to keep the mud in place use safty pins with carefull of not gettin pinch, Also ware pants on top of it, do this at night so you sleep all night long with the mud, Mud will absorbe all the internal fever, You will sleep deeply, even when it sound a unconfortable way to sleep you will know I was right.
The only part I don't like about this is that is kind a messy next morning to clean up, but the benefits are worth the effort!
If the Idea of the mud doesn't convince you, you can try to this with a wet towel with fresh watter, again do not touch bones, just the belly, and with the difference that with the wet towel you need to keep getting new fresh watter every 15 minutes, because the body will heat it up the towel faster.
Always remember this important thing.... you keep yourself warm when you do this, your feet must be covered and under the blankets all your body, exept your head of course, that is why is better if you do it while sleeping at night so, what we need to do this this is actually create more heat int he body, but letting a door Open so this heat goes out of our body.
:) So the bad thing about fever is not that is heat but that gets traped.

This natural tecnique, is good in almost all kind of condition, colds, fevers, artritis, almos all sickness have in comun the Internal Fever, because our bodies will always try to fight against it. Wich is good.

May the light of the Lord guiede us,
protect us and teach us to heal our spirit
and then our bodies.
Have a wonderfull beautifull Day.