Friday, April 30, 2010

I love bird watching

Birdscapes 366 Tall Tulip Garden Lantern Feeder, 6-Pound Capacity (Colors May Vary)I love and enjoy seeing birds in my backyard, it really makes up my mornings and I am always looking for ways to be more nature friendly but at the same time I love seeing my home beautiful, I just found this beautiful and special bird feeder that also provides water for the birds, I do like my birth bath and this is not a bird bath, but wild birds can drink while eating seed. I actually like the idea because I am always worried for the quality of the water they drink from the birth bath, because after three birds take a bath in the morning the water is not so clean anymore. I think birds love this is like for VIB (Very Important Birds) isn't neat!. This makes easy to provide wild birds with food and water. The design of this birth feeder is so fancy and stylish that adds a beautiful classy decoration to your patio! So is funcional and beautiful.

St. John's Worth (Hierba de San Juan) for Depression.

St. John's Worth it is an effective and safe herb to use as anti depressant.
Do not take it while taking other prescripcion drugs as prozac or else. St. John's worth can help you slowly leave prozac for example if used right after using prozac.
St. John's worth does not make habit which is great, anyways the dose should be as shown in most of the labeled extracts or tinctures, high doses are not recomended.

St. John's w. will work great with out any other herb or drug interaction.
But if you add bananas and milk to your diet, the effects will be powerized.

There is not need to be depressed, and there is not need to live chained to drugs that are very harsh and damage your body or make addiction.

If your depression is mild or for example for PmS is better to stay with something smooth as valerian, linden flowers, chamomille, melissa officinalis or lemon balm.
Have a great night.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Geobiology how relevant it is in our Health.

Earth Magnetism: A Guided Tour through Magnetic Fields (Complementary Science)Atmospheric Electricity: Diurnal phase shift, Earth, Earth's atmosphere, Electromagnetism, Electrical network, Planet, Atmosphere, Continent, Ionosphere, Multidisciplinarity, Voltage, LightningEarth Rising II: The Betrayal of Science, Society and the SoulThe Healthy Home: An Attic-To-Basement Guide To Toxin-Free LivingPrescriptions for a Healthy House, 3rd Edition: A Practical Guide for Architects, Builders & HomeownersMediterranean Kitchen Garden: Growing Organic Fruit and Vegetables in a Hot, Dry ClimateGran Libro de La Casa Sana (Teatro) (Spanish Edition)La Casa Enferma: Energias Teluricas y Salud (Spanish Edition)
book by Mariano Bueno

Geobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives

Entrevista a Mariano Bueno, experto en geobiología

Tengo 50 años. Nací y vivo en Benicarló. Soy experto en geobiología, cultivo ecológico y biohabitabilidad.

Vivo en pareja y tengo un hijo de 11 años. ¿Política? El bienestar de la gente.

¿Dios? Somos parte de la luz universal: cada día me siento más espiritual

Qué hace un experto en geobiología?

Estudio la influencia de las radiaciones terrestres sobre los tejidos vivos, sobre la salud humana.

¿A qué radiaciones terrestres se refiere?

A las procedentes de venas subterráneas de agua, fallas geológicas, grietas, subsuelos graníticos, campos geomagnéticos… Y las artificiales: tuberías, tendidos eléctricos…

¿Todo eso influye en mi organismo?

¡Por supuesto! Y más intensamente en niños y personas hipersensibles.

¿De qué clase de influencia se trata?

De ionizaciones, alteraciones del bioelectromagnetismo natural de nuestras células.


Las células intercambian cargas eléctricas. El flujo de electrones hace que tu cuerpo tenga magnetismo. Igual que el planeta Tierra, que es un gran electroimán.

Con sus dos polos, norte y sur.

El magnetismo terrestre nos influye, sobre todo en las horas del sueño. Atentos: dormir con el cuerpo alineado con el magnetismo terrestre favorece el descanso. Cabeza orientada hacia el norte, pies hacia el sur: es la orientación más relajante, ¡descansarás mejor!

¿Y si duermo en otras orientaciones?

Dormir con la cabeza hacia el este favorece un despertar revitalizado.

¿Y con la cabeza hacia el sur?

Despertarás tenso, nervioso.

¿Y hacia el oeste?

Debilita, desvitaliza, deprime. Lo saludable: situar la cabecera entre el norte y el este.

¿Tiene argumentos científicos?

Las células son como pequeñas brújulas y se repolarizan y reparan: facilitar el proceso refuerza tu salud. ¡Tu dormitorio es la verdadera cámara de tu salud! No la perturbes.

¿Y qué es lo más perturbador?

Luces (la oscuridad activa la melatonina, hormona activadora de la reparación celular) temperatura alta, ruidos… y campos electromagnéticos (naturales o artificiales): inhiben la producción de melatonina.

¿Qué campos son naturales?

Las corrientes de agua subterránea: las moléculas del agua en movimiento, en fricción con el subsuelo, generan un campo electromagnético. Dormir sobre ese punto geopatógeno perturba tu regeneración celular.

¿Hasta qué extremo?

Hasta enfermar. ¡Cualquier radiación electromagnética intensa inhibe la glándula pineal y deja de segregar melatonina! Y eso ocho horas por noche, noche tras noche, impide a las células repararse debidamente: padecerás dolores de cabeza, dolencias articulares, disfunciones orgánicas, depresión del sistema inmunitario… A largo plazo, eso puede derivar en patologías neurodegenerativas, leucemias, tumores…

¡Dígame qué puntos son geopatógenos!

Esos en que se superpone una falla terrestre, una vena de agua y una línea Hartmann (corrientes electromagnéticas que recorren toda la superficie terrestre, en retícula).

¿Cómo detectar esos puntos?

Los zahoríes lo hacían con varas de avellano o péndulos. Hoy tenemos detectores electrónicos que captan los flujos de radiación. Y hay poderosas perturbaciones que son muy obvias, las artificiales: ¡evítalas!


Torres de alta tensión, transformadores, cables eléctricos, electrodomésticos conectados a la red eléctrica, radiaciones de alta frecuencia, de telefonía móvil, inalámbricas… ¡Evita eso en tus noches o enfermarás!

Tengo un despertador eléctrico.

Cámbialo por uno de pilas, o aléjalo de tu cuerpo. Los cables eléctricos, lo más lejos posible de tu cabeza.

Tengo una tele a los pies de la cama..

Si es de pantalla plana, irradia poco. En cambio, un televisor de tubo catódico emite radiación ¡hasta cuatro metros! Sobre todo hacia atrás, y atravesando muros. Una vez detecté que el malestar de una persona provenía del trasero del televisor de su vecino…

¿Y qué hago con mi teléfono móvil?

¡Fuera del dormitorio, por supuesto! Sus microondas agitan tus células. Hoy sabemos que hablar con el móvil pegado al cráneo durante más de diez años… ¡duplica las posibilidades de desarrollar un tumor cerebral!

Pues yo llevo así algo más de diez años. Y, por trabajo, ¡necesito seguir usándolo!

Bien: aleja el móvil de tu cabeza. A más distancia, menos la irradiarás. Es fácil: ¡usa unos auriculares manos libres ambulantes!

En cuanto salga de aquí. ¿Qué otras perturbaciones me aconseja evitar?

Nuestros hogares son nidos de contaminación electromagnética y química. Deja que entre luz solar y aire, usa mobiliario de madera, usa pinturas ecológicas y destierra ambientadores, suavizantes, lejías y detergentes sintéticos. Si lavas la ropa con bicarbonato ¡te quedará lo bastante bien! Y vigila tus productos de limpieza: que sean de química dulce, no tóxica.

Lo que no haré es vivir a la luz de velas.

No, pero libera tu zona de descanso de contaminación electromagnética. Y al llegar a casa, camina descalzo: durante el día caminamos sobre suela aislante y trabajamos en edificios aislados enfermos, así que nos conviene descargarnos.

Deme un último consejo revitalizante.

En un frasco haz germinar semillas de alfalfa y consume ese germinado: es muy digestivo y concentra nutrientes que regeneran tus tejidos y protegen tu salud.


Mariano Bueno es el pionero de la geobiología en España, autor desde hace 25 años de clásicos como Vivir en casa sana, El gran libro de la casa sana o El huerto familiar ecológico (www. casasana. info) y fundador de la Asociación de Estudios Geobiológicos GEA (www. gea-es. org).

Divulga el concepto de higiene energética: “Pegarte un móvil al cráneo o dormir junto a una radiación electromagnética es tan antihigiénico como comer con las manos sucias”. Mueve uno de sus detectores y me señala por dónde pasa un tendido eléctrico, y con otro mide la elevada radiación de gas radón emitida por el granito de la barra del bar… Yo salgo a comprarme un manos libres ambulante para mi móvil.
link related

Monday, April 26, 2010

InidanReiki Masters Site

The Book Of Chakra HealingLearn about the centers of energy in your body the famous and missunderstood Chackras at Indian Reiki Masters
In this website you can find a nice and easy explanations of this centers of energy in your body, this centers are related with your adrenal system, your glands mainly and nervous system and all your body. Learn more about how our body works can help you heal. Hope you find it intresting there is other intresting topics in this site, just wanted to share it.

Energy Behind Everything

The Giza Power Plant : Technologies of Ancient EgyptVisit Energy Behind Everything to learn more about how piramids amplify energy and also can be used to preserve the composition of fruits for example... take a look at the link, is very intresting.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Back Pain good bye with acupuncture in your own home.

The Wall Map of Standard Meridians and points of Acupuncture and TuinaThis is a great video showing how to do acupuncture at home with easy techniques, magnetic pellets can be place in the specific points and are really effective, but you can use a mustard seed too! Back pain gone and other pains

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Precious Moments Lord Is My ShepardThe Lord Is My ShepardSadly I see how human caves their own hole to be barried in. It is not as Rush limbaugh said, the volcano in Italy is not active because the health care bill passed, and specially not because of the pollution or global warming as they want us to believe.
I think there is a reason why, and this reason has been profeticed since a loooooong time ago, is in the Bible, is in the mayan calendar, and many other profecies.
The world is not ending, the world as we know it it is.
We are changing, transforming and the earth is too. It is a process and a bumpy ride, and may you be always attached to God, may God live in your heart and mind day and night, may the light of the Holy Spirit of God sorround you, fill you, protect you, heal you, guide you.
Starting by visualizing yourself beeing energy independent and growing your own garden it is the right thing to do.
I learn today that Zinc one of my favorite minerals now is going in high demand and soon almost hard to find... and I don't even want to talk about the prohibition of herbal remedies they want to impose, but they want to sell mariguana, I think that herb is not as needed as others. But guess what, sells at a high price, I don't doubt soon is going to be legalized, so all our kids can get it. Sickening, but this won't be allowed, no more God is done giving concesions.
I want some good news... guess what I will not hear them coming from this world, just yet.
Our Faith has to be big and strong. We need to be closer to God with out intermediates, Man and God the Holy spirit.
May you have a wonderful night and May God Bless you.

The Number 33 Facts

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A New Edition, Translation, and CommentaryI bet is not just me who has a fashination about number 33, not as numerology but as scientific, religious, and world facts around the globe. Here is one of my favorites after the fact that my Lord Jesus Christ went back to heaven at age 33.

Yoga Sutra 3:33 states: "Through keenly developed intuition, everything can be known."

The number 33 facts.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Taxus Brevifolia help avoid methastasis during chemotherapy and where to buy it.

I found the Taxus Brevifolia tincture on amazon and ebay here is a link.
Tincture of Taxus Brevifolia
ATaxus Brevifolia (Potency: 9C)bout Taxus Brevifolia (chinwood, common yew, paclitaxel, docetaxol, pacific yew, western yew, with contains taxol, an extract form the conifer tree, wich helps prevent metastasis when getting chemotherapy.
here is a great website which contains great info about it

Sunday, April 18, 2010

EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques

The Tapping Solution (Try It On Everything)Improve Your Eyesight with EFT*: *Emotional Freedom TechniquesAtracting abundance in every aspect of your life, this is not for you to think that you can stop praying to God and having faith in Him, God is and will always be your first and only savior, but this techniques help you meet your goals in life and health with Emotional Freedom Techniques

The 9 Worst Ingredients in Processed Foods

The 9 Worst Ingredients in Processed Foods
If I tell you that some of your regular meals, and your kids meals have poison... would you still feed your family with it?
Is that simple, in the link above you can find a great list of the Worst ingredients or poisons in processed foods, including Artificial Colors, artificial flavorings, Artificial Sweeteners, Benzoate preservatives like sodium benzoate in soda cans for example, brominated vegetable oil, high fructose, MSG Monosodium Glutamate (that simply kills your brain cells and makes you more hungry), Olestra, Shortening, Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated oils. But click in this link to find out more of the ways this fods are sickening your family and if you already avoid this, is good to learn more so you can tell the people you love and spread the word.
The 9 Worst Ingredientes in Processed Foods by Yahoo
Originally posted on

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Visit Free Hypnosis Treatment website!

The Self-Hypnosis Diet: Use the Power of Your Mind to Reach Your Perfect WeightA dear friend of mine told me about this great website Free Hypnosis Tratment where you can download files to do self hypnosis in your own home, the autor of this website is a profesional and he has all the information you need about hypnosis! He add a kindly donate to his website, I think it is so nice of him to have this open to the public to more people benefits of it. That is how you recognize good will and people that has been blessed to bless others. Now go ahead and start changing positively your life for whatever problem you have. I am doing the Weight loss and so far is working great! I feel so relaxed and not worry, but more counscious and carefull in a easy way of what I eat, the kind of foods I should eat, is so natural!
Have a great weekend and don't forget to visit Free Hypnosis Treatment Website.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Akiane listen to God's words.

Akiane: Her Life, Her Art, Her PoetryAkiane listen to God's direct messages and create master pieces paintings beautiful most see, and if you have had a experience like that in your life, you are in the right path. Listen to the little voice inside you. God is in our mind and in our heart always!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pumpkin seeds and Cucumbers = Zinc

Pumpkin seeds and cucumbers contain high quantities of zinc which is a very important nutrient for the immune system, and among other things prostate function.
Adding two table spoons of seeds or take a supplement of zinc every day can prevent and improve prostate health.
Pumpkin seeds are healthy snack; u can make your own by toast them with water and sea salt.

Friday, April 9, 2010

"Phos·pho·res·cence" Light Therapy

What phos•pho•res•cence means? Phosphorescence is the Persistent emission of light following exposure to and removal of incident radiation. Emission of light without burning or by very slow burning without appreciable heat, as from the slow oxidation of phosphorous
Phosphorescence is a fluorescence that persists after the bombarding radiation has ceased.
The emission of light by a substance as a result of having absorbed energy from a form of electromagnetic radiation.
So this technique we will use the rules of quantum mechanics to match the available energy states and allowed transitions to trap the light and then release slowly this photons through our brain cells stimulating positively

I learn from my teachers in my beloved School AMITA (Infinite Light in Wixarika language).
I have found a website that uses this kind of therapy check it out, I have a post somewhere in my blog about phosphorescence and how to do it yourself at home with a 60 watts light bulb, 60 cm away from the light, stare at it for 60 seconds by counting from 60 to 0.
This therapy helps in infinite ways especially for traumas, addictions and even some shamans in my school said is good to get ride of traumas or karma from past lives.
So take a look and keep searching the best options to heal your body and soul.
Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Nopalina is one of my favorite products, the mix of ingredients in this products really works cleaning your digestive system, you can learn more at NopalinaUsa Nopalina Flax Seed Plus Linaza - 16oz

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Comunicate with your Father, He is listening and have much to say.

For the truth in my soul, I beg to your heart, to all hearts in earth, give the Christ within the a chance to express Himself trough you, as your interior Master, your powerful Weapon of Love, divine Wisdom and Divine Science, with His blood, with His holy spirit, because is the time to meet our Holy Eternal Father and Mary and Joseph and Jesus. Now in the third time communicate listen to Him trough the Holy spirit of God.
Son & Father,
You & God
Nothing else but Divine Love.

Clean Energy Center

Clean Energy Center is a great website if you are looking for energy alternatives and ideas about solar energy and more, take a look