Friday, April 30, 2010

St. John's Worth (Hierba de San Juan) for Depression.

St. John's Worth it is an effective and safe herb to use as anti depressant.
Do not take it while taking other prescripcion drugs as prozac or else. St. John's worth can help you slowly leave prozac for example if used right after using prozac.
St. John's worth does not make habit which is great, anyways the dose should be as shown in most of the labeled extracts or tinctures, high doses are not recomended.

St. John's w. will work great with out any other herb or drug interaction.
But if you add bananas and milk to your diet, the effects will be powerized.

There is not need to be depressed, and there is not need to live chained to drugs that are very harsh and damage your body or make addiction.

If your depression is mild or for example for PmS is better to stay with something smooth as valerian, linden flowers, chamomille, melissa officinalis or lemon balm.
Have a great night.

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