Months ago since I start doing excersice with Wii fit I notice a pain that went trought my lower back to my toes, the pain was there for about two months before I visit the doctor's office because usually with natural stuff I heal myself, this time the remedies did not work... just yet.
I went to Mexico for a month and all my vacation I was in pain, take some antinflammatory pills.
Finally when I came back to the states I decide to visit my halopatic Dr. this doctor prescribe me this pain killer pills opioide, plus a strong dose of steroidal antinflammatory therapy, the two or one of them got me almost killed, that night I was alone with my two kids, my husband was gone on a work trip, and I was intoxicated, overdossed, and not beeing able to even know where or what my children were doing, I call my Mom and my sister wich is an halopat doctor she told me that the dose of the pain killer that she prescribe could be letal for someone with one less pound than me.
I was vomiting for two hours, trying to clean myself drinking lots of water.
Thank God after that I start feeling a little better and I was able to open my eyes and actually know what was going on, very drowsy and dizzy, spinning still.
My Doctor send me to get MRI with Contrast, wich, is alright but Contrast means the tecnician will inyect in your blood some sustance wich is now proben to be very dangerous and give you a condition call systemic neurolitic fibrosys. Thank God, I did not let the put me the inyection so I got just the MRI,... wich was good and also the Dr. was able to see what was wrong with my back.
She could not found the results but draw in a piece of paper the vertebrae or disc, and say youdo have a bulging disc.
I am giving you more steroids, if doesn't work, I will give you more steroids, if that doesn't work, I will inyect you steroids in the disc in your back, and if that doesn't work I am going to make you cirgury...
I left the office, and I tought, I AM NOT COMING BACK...
So I decide to put myself in hands of God and do something about it.
Drink palo de arco tea, chamomile tea, arnica and valeriana tea.
Wear a tight band around my lower back and hips with magnets better.
arnica lotion in the back where the problem is.
Do not lift nothing heavy.
Do not do excersice that hurt lower back.
Lose weight and eat well, lots of veggies and fruits, no carbs.
Auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture)
My leg doesn't hurt anymore, I have to do this every day, but is worth it and I will keep doing this to avoid a cirgury that usually doesn't work and make you end up with a bigger problem.
Thank you God!
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