Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Healthy Christmas!

Time to celebrate, show love and compassion for each other and the less fortunate, time for eating the most delicious meals and desserts!  Time to drink lots of orange juice and citrics as well as vitamins and minerals lots of fruit and veggies because the sickness season is here too,  we are down with some sort of cold and even when the weather is rather warm here in south Texas, the germs are having a party too :(.
Key words to thrive this sickness season
Equinacea + vitamin C
Chicken soup
Orange Juice and other citrus
Guayaba ( has the most amount of vitamin C)
Cucumbers (contain lots of minerals including Zinc)
If you feel the cold coming; get zicam right away this will make it either go away or las less time and will lower the severity of the cold.
and Have a cheerful heart!
Nothing like having the time to just sit together to enjoy a good movie or your favorite video game with your kids without any worries :)

Have a wonderful Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Maple Syrup & Baking Soda.wmv

not recommended for people with kidney problems because of the sodium in baking soda. "Stop Cancer Before It Starts" - The #2 cause of cancer is the last thing you'd expect! This is interesting and may be true to prevent an acidic ph in the body but you must not forget that baking soda contains sodium and is contraindicated in patients with kidney failure or kidney stones and Hypertension. Always ask the opinion of your doctor before using any natural treatment so you weight the pros and cons, not all natural remedies work the same from person to person. blessings!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What is referred pain?

I am sure you have heard the term, but what does this means?
When you have a referred pain, means that the source of the pain is not the area that is hurting, it means that the pain is being referred to a different part of the body, it could come from an organ or another soft tissue in the body, also pinch nerves.
This can happen in many parts of the body that share the same nerve pathways, for example the pain that is felted when someone is having a heart attack it may be feeling pain in the left arm, even the cheek.
Some other pain sources that you may experience is your liver or gallbladder can give you a pain in your shoulder; a heart affection could be felt as pain in neck, shoulder or upper back. An injured of your wrist can be felted in your shoulder, a kidney problem can be felt as a pain in your back below the ribs.
A problem in your abdomen can be felted as pain in your upper back or right shoulder. Also a lung affection can give you referred pain in your back.
 A pain that goes from the lower back all the way down to your foot or from the lower back to the back of your knee is most of the time the famous sciatica pain, which means that your sciatic nerve is being pinched or got hurt somehow, maybe an spinal injured that is putting to much pressure on the nerve, this kind of pain  also can be felted in the frontal part of the leg and this means an even more serious damage.