Sunday, March 4, 2012

Safety Preparation for Alpiste Milk.

I have been drinking the alpiste milk and I can tell you that my energy level has increased. I drink one cup in the morning and then one at lunch time, you won’t believe how nutritious is this drink. It really makes you feel satisfy and full, because is a highly absorbable super food.
When your body receives nutrients that are highly absorbable, your brain gets the signal of being full to avoid over eating. I highly recommend it if you desire to lose weight in a healthy and natural way. Not to mention that alpiste has been known for many medicinal properties as kidney, liver, pancreas CELL REGENERATOR, ALL THIS CONTRIBUTES TO YOUR BODY'S WELL BEING AND helps your body get rid of excess fat, by improving metabolism, your body will stop collecting unwanted fat. Alpiste contains high amounts of omega3 amino acids and much more!
People with diabetes, hepatitis or cirrhosis could potentially benefit from alpiste milk.
After doing some research I found out, that you should only ingest silica fiber free alpiste that is safe for human consumption. Traditional birdseed alpiste is not meant to be ingested by humans. Birds don’t eat the shell of the seed. Silica in the shell could be harmful because is like asbestos fibers. The only safe and good way to benefit from this superfood, is by buying the right kind and preparing it in the proper way, as indicated in the website.
If you buy alpiste seed or leche de alpiste or alpiste milk make sure is made with Silica fiber free alpiste from here are some pictures of my alpiste milk. Again the way to prepare it and more recipes can be found here.


Anonymous said...

I have been taking leche de alpiste for about a week and a half. And Im over weight for my age, I am 21. And I was just wondering how many weeks will it take to see results, on losing weight? And I have been taking 3 times a day. Am I doing something wrong, I don't feel like my metabolism has increased? I have slow metabolism.

Shine said...

Hi there! The Alpiste is very nutricious so your breakfast could be the alpiste milk plus some fruit of your choice. Having a balanced diet is a must, make lunch your big meal with protein and vegetables, fish like tuna or shrimp make great meals when dieting because of the high proteine with less fats, avoid carbs like white bread that has refined flour, and at night have something light, don't eat after 7:00 p.m. if possible and drink a lot of water (at least) 5 (8ounces each)
Drink a glass of water in the morning first thing at waking up to start digestion and avoid constipation.
Also 10 to 15 of physical activity like walking or running a day will help.
Eating small amounts of food .ore often helps increasing your metabolism, so try to have 5 small meals instead 3 big ones. A glass of the alpiste milk with a fruit makes great choice.
If you want to lose weight it will take a while the time that takes us to get used to eat only healthy foods and in the right amount but if you keep eating and excercising you may start seeing results in about one month, also remember that fat doesn't weigth much so you should messure your progress in sizes also ;) you may notice more then.
Make sure you are never constipated by adding to your diet flaxseed or another fibers like in vegetables that have the good carbs ;) avoid any processed foods and fast foods and all sugar drinks if you need sweet have honey or brown sugar. Blessings!

Shine said...

and sorry for all the typo's!!! "/ blame my android

Anonymous said...

How do you prepare it ? With 1 spoon full in a cup of water or 3?

Shine said...

Two to Three spoons full in 8 oz glass of water, juice, milk, smoothie. :)