Monday, August 31, 2009

Antiviral Amazing Zinc

I have a few advice about how to treat and prevent colds and uper respiratory infeccions specially before winter ( and with swine flu around ) like taking plenty of Vitamin C as in your daily diet and also in vitamin capsules, gummies (specially with equinacea purpurea added)
Because Vitamin C is great eliminating actually some bacteria and germs, strength our immune system and fight sickness including cancers.
But... I did not have the idea how ZINC can help your body fight a cold, it is absolutely amazing, I read the story of Eby it is amazing talks about how Zinc cured back in 1974 a girl with Linfocite T Leukemia (blood cancer)...
Probably you have heard about the recall on nasal gel for zicam some people sue the company because they allegate loose their sense of smell...
So Zicam nasal gel is out of the market, but they still have the spray and pills.
Some homeopatic doctors have said that Zicam has Zinc gluconate in a higher concentration, well, then less use zicam moderately, what I have done is to use it less not as many times a day as the label says.
Because Zicam, beats ANY OTHER OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION FOR THE PREVENTION AND ALIVIATE SYMPHTOMS OF THE COMMUN COLD... now... commun cold cause is viral, so think about it, in general is an immune buster and antiviral, also fights cancer!

usually Homeopatic doctors add to 6 percent of zinc gluconate
Zicam adds 10 percent of zinc gluconate
In conclusion I think we can use Zinc in a safe and smart way and the benefits will be huge.

Must read online
Eby, George.
Handbook for Curing the Common Cold - The Zinc Lozenge Story. (Austin, TX: George Eby Research, 1994).

Eby, George,, "Reduction in Duration of Common Colds by Zinc Gluconate Lozenges in a Double-Blind Study," Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 25 (Jan. 1984): 20-24.
Farr, Barry M.,, "Two Randomized Controlled Trials of Zinc Gluconate Lozenge Therapy of Experimentally Induced Rhinovirus Colds," Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 31 (Aug. 1987): 1183-1187.
Korant, B.D., "Zinc ions inhibit replication of rhinoviruses," Nature 248 (12 April 1974): 588-590.
Mossad, B.S.,, "Zinc gluconate Lozenge for Treating the Common Cold - A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study," Annals of Internal Medicine 125 (1996): 81-88.
Zinc Acetate Lozenges -- the World's Only Patented Cure for Common Colds


Nick, just Nick said...

Yes! I have been swearing by zinc and Zicam since I stumbles upon it a few years ago. Very nice blog, by the way.

Shine said...

thank you for stoping by!
Isn't it amazing! I am glad and hope everybody can be aware of this blessing :) Have a wonderfull Day!

Shine said...

thank you for stoping by!
Isn't it amazing! I am glad and hope everybody can be aware of this blessing :) Have a wonderfull Day!