Thursday, December 13, 2007

Podal Reflexology II

Ancient studies of the halopatic medicine discover that there is conexions between the internal organs and skin zones. This is why some of the pains in the organs is transmited at a reflex level in to the nerve system and to the specific zone of the surface of the skin tissue. Tipical pains as the pain from the heart that goes to the left arm and the pain in the bladder that is reflected with a pain in the right shoulder. (not all pains in this areas mean there is something wrong with heart or bladder but it could, other diagnosis have to be done to get to the right diagnosis).

Podal Reflexology uses the knowledge of the nerve conexions between internal segments of the organs, muscles and sking to influence at a reflex level, from the outside of the body.
this tecnique get to china, then to India, later in Europe and America when some of the information has been lost or changed but still effective. In Europe some studies in the treatment of organs with massage and other reflex massages were used. Benvenuto Cellini (1500 to 1571) treat some acute pains through applying pressure on the toes.
In America Central and South America this tecnique was known too, ancientes utilice this reflexology and very popular to cure a lot of sickness, this knowledge was take care and very treasury by curanderos and chamanes on the ancients.

There is a separation of the body in 10 vertical lines and 5 horizonal lines. This zones are also separating the foot this lines divide the feet transversal and longitudinary draw of the body where the parts of the organsim can be founded as the reflex point.
Zonas longitudinales y trasversales.
The 4 transversal zones of the body are not enogh to place the organs in the foot, but with this 4 transversal zones where the body is separated by horizontal lines is posible to place the single zones in the foot.
This transversal lines are oriented in the shoulder articulation, in the inferior branquial arch and in the base of the pelvis. giving as a result the 4 areas of the body.
to be continued...

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