Thursday, November 15, 2012


Why do we grow old? Why does our skin starts to harden and our bones to soften? everything in God's creation is in a cycle and we are not the exempt from it, the cycle of life and death, but just like it happens with plant seeds, we do not die forever, but only to be replanted somewhere else, I don't know where, I believe that our seeds will be taken to heaven with our eternal Father, where we won't grow old anymore, where no food is needed, where worries are gone, where happiness is there to stay.

The idea of heaven is not often in my head, I am most of the time trying to solve the past, present and future, a waste of time, when I realize that there is nothing that I can solve, the only reasonable thing for me to do is to trust God and pray, obey HIM, and be patient.

Sometimes we are so busy with our daily activities that we forget about what is really important and what will really make a difference in the future for our lives and the life of others.

I am thankful with God for all the blessings that He pours into our lives, and thankful to everyone and everything who serves HIM.

This country is going through a painful catharsis and is not even close to be over, division has marked this times, and that from all the signs is one we can't ignore.

When did the whole world, went so wrong?

Is in the Bible, time after time, if humans keep trying to disobey God's Law, it will back fire every single time.

There is people that doesn't know God, and when you do not know Him, everything that has a sparkle will look like a good idea, especially if is an egocentric one.

Don't forget that the leaf on the tree doesn't move, if is not God's will.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Busy Bee Mug Designs by Shine

Take a look at one of my cute designs at Cafepres :) Busy Bee Mug Designs by Shine

Heal and Soothe Stomach Ulcers without Mainstream Drugs

Heal and Soothe Stomach Ulcers without Mainstream Drugs

Tea in the Fall.

The weather in Texas is awesome, is already November and is not even under 80 degrees :).
I am loving it, I used to live in Illinois and the winters are long, cold and gray!
I did enjoy wearing nice coats and sweaters to keep warm. Hot beverages in the winter are a must; coffe in the morning and tea in the afternoon and evening.
Well this is my first winter in San Antonio and I am ready to enjoy it!
Whatever the weather is, a nice cup of tea is great for relaxing and healing!

Trusting Yahve.

Today is a weird day, I just want to say... Cheer up, and if you are cheering already, good for you.
Pain makes us go closer to God, sometimes we need a higher dose to start understanding that we have gone crazy, or lost.
I am not right, only God knows His plan.
My job is to trust HIM, my Jesus, Yahve.

Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky?
This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Diacetyl in Butter flavored Popcorn.

We all love popcorn, there is no better way to watch your favorite movie than with a bag of warm popcorn. Unfortunately there is a substance found the commercial popcorn called Diacetyl is found in popcorn and other products containing butter flavor. This Diacetyl is known to harm the brain cells and potentially produce Alzhaimer.
I love popcorn but after reading about the dangers, I am starting to make my popcorn the old fashion way :)
It takes longer but is worth every brain cell :).

But don't worry you can still enjoy popcorn! Get popping corn and then use two or three spoons of coconut oil to cook them, just use a big skillet and cover them, until you don't hear them pop anymore, then add salt and if you wish, melted organic butter. Yummy!