Sunday, April 17, 2011

BAKING SODA Kills CANCER, Matches NC Doctor 30years ago. Cure CANCER 5 d...

Baking Soda Kills Cancer, in this video you will see real prove of this.
People is time to wake up and start taking care of our own health, Pharmaceutical companies do NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALT, THEY CARE ABOUT YOUR MONEY!!!
SO, read, learn and be free. Is this a free country, or are we slaves of the Money and greed? We have to stop believing EVERYTHING we hear on TV, and find out for you what the truth is.
Did you know this info is affecting how MANY GREEDY BUSINESS AND COMPANIES control and abuse financially to people like you and me until you are death; whoever is INTRESTED ON KEEPING US IGNORANT OF THE TRUTH, government is ABOUT TO PASS A LAW CALL ACTA to avoid the spread of GOOD NEWS on THE INTERNET read about ACTA and do something about it.
WELL, I am going to keep spreading the truth, and now I can share what other great people has posted, and later I will keep posting what my God inside me tells me to write.
To share with you the knowledge that is actually inside of you too :)
Stop listening to the outside world and then you will hear God guiding you and teaching you.
The time for the Holy Spirit to express trough you is here and there is always someone out there that needs to hear what YOU have to say.

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