Thursday, May 29, 2008

Spring Break

I have been very busy this past week, my older sister came to visit from Mexico, I am so happy she came and my kids loved it to, she is very wise and we talk about everything :P
I am not going to be writing so often in the blog anymore I need to take it easy, I have two kids that need a lot of attention and my whole love and heart, I think there is not better way to make a good contribution to the world when you rise good children just good humble smart with culture and love in their heart humans, they need more of me and as they grow their needs start changing, they are very good they listen most of the time, they eat good, they sleep good, and they are pretty well behave and nice with people too, but every day my oldest wakes up with a new surprise in her personality, and I need to concentrate on making sure to understand and that I can keep up the comunication with her clear and strong, I see out there so much wrong and negative things in the world, I am trying to prevent that the worst things happen to me, maybe not everything but at least I want to make sure they know there is people that loved them and understand them and that I am here for them always.
Blogging is a great way to express what we feel and to keep record and like a diary and is sometimes a therapy, because I don't talk to so many people. It was great gettint to know wonderfull people's blog out there and know there is still humans on earth.
Have a wonderfull weekend! and God Bless You!


Anonymous said...

you are so warm and nurturing Shine.
Your writing is straight from the heart.

Just remember - even 5 or 6 words from you is better than nothing


Shine said...

You are right Merlin 5 or 6 words will work perfect for me and that will give me chance to read a little bit of intresting blogs too,
thank you for your words!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm taking a bit of a break myself. I hope you truly enjoy the summer with your kids. Seems like yesterday mine was into lego's and now he'll be getting his drivers license!

Anonymous said...

smile....i'm thinking of you
