Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cellular Immunity Boost with Zinc & Echinacea.

Echinacea's health benefits are amazing and here is a small summary of what this marvelous herb can do for your immune system: Immune stimulant: Increase antibody production, resistance of infections, enhance antibodies as Natural Killer Cells that are in charge of killing any germs, increases the efficiency of macrophages to kill and destroy pathogens that enter our body. Anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial, antiviral. Eclectic doctors used this herb, half a century ago with great results to treat chronic catarrhal congestion. If we don't learn from our past we will keep making mistakes, modern health science is great but; why should we leave out such amazing help to strengthen our immune system. Add Zinc to your daily diet, cucumbers have a high amount of zinc in natural way. Echinacea combined with zinc vitamins and supplements are really good to prevent and shorten colds.